Marie Schwirian

Back to School Sessions!

Childhood Session

August 28, 2023

Back to School Session

Back to School Photos, Little boy looking over a book while sitting on a school desk.

When Diane messaged me about a Grandma + Me Session in her garden I was so excited! She and her grandson have a beautiful bond and they work together in the garden.  For this session; I followed them around the garden as they checked on different plants. Diane was showing him how to look for […]

Childhood Session, Family Session

July 26, 2023

Grandma + Me Session | Pelican Rapids, MN

Little Boy and his grandma with their arms wrapped around each other looking at the garden

The First Year with your little one has so many incredible moments and when they are turning one it seems to have gone so quickly and slowly at the same time! I was so excited when Jaden asked me to take Isla’s First Birthday Cake Smash Session! We talked about her vision for her session […]

Childhood Session

April 5, 2023

Cake Smash Session | Pelican Rapids, MN | Central Minnesota Photographer

Cake Smash Session of little one tipping over their cake.